Learning to enjoy less, being intentional.

I’m learning to be intentional. I’m learning to appreciate my nature to want to take my time before making a decision.

I’m learning to be intentional about my money.

I’m learning to be intentional about my time.

I’m learning to be intentional about my choices.

I was taught the value of money was worth more today than tomorrow. This led to more spending versus saving. I had a nice little savings account, but my education, schooling, and environment growing up did not teach us how to be super savers. Or how to invest financially. I’m still learning.

As I’m watching our USA economy, it is staggering to see the price gouging continuing across platforms: Amazon, and Etsy, (bigger retailers, versus direct brands like Open Farm Pet food, Redbarn Pet Products for instance. I have two dogs, so these are regular examples I see of products that will be marked up $5 to $10 more on other retailers versus the store. Bonus: some stores like Redbarn will through in some free product samples when you by direct.

The quality of products in addition to an increased price, are confused by the amount of resellers observed across Amazon and unfortunately Etsy. They are no longer immune.There will be the same products listed across various, random LLCs on these platforms.

My goal in 2023 is to practice mindfulness around being grateful for what I have; reduce, and reuse as much as possible in order to not succumb to consumerism.

Consumerism is defined as: the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers. "the growth of consumerism has led to many organizations improving their service to the customer"

These days it feels like the complete opposite where we are taken advantage of for the current market.


Once Upon a…Dancer’s Feet.


Identify Human Strengths in Work